#1.thank you for your brilliant gipper strip this week.
i have been sort of stunned at how spineless and/or silent most people have been
about the orwellian reconstruction of reagan’s life and policies.
trickle down economics like choking on a violent stream of salty hot urine.
you succinctly articulated so many of the frustrations that i have been feeling
about all of this dead reagan blow job crap of late.
as a teenager i vividly remember incessantly listening to the iran contra
hearings and being sickened to the point of actual vomit when oliver north
spoke. and closing down all of the mental hospitals and the whole conspiracy
with the “release” of the hostages in iran on innauguration day and his
inability to even utter the word aids and my brother mark dead of aids at 25 and
on and on…i must stop now or i will surely puke again.
#2. Hello there,
I just wanted to tell you how impressed I was about your “calling the deficit ‘THE REAGAN'” – How very appropriate indeed! That man is more responsible for poverty, disease, and death than any other American president, I think! And now the creepy Republicans (MOSTLY them, anyway) just want to keep on with the murder, as well as praise the now deceased mass murderer, REAGAN!!! How very sickening!!!
We need to s-o-m-e-h-o-w get the message out to ALL PEOPLE about just how creepy these politicians can really be, and sometimes militant, like the sickening George W. Bush! I CAN’T STAND TO LOOK AT THE MAN’S IMAGE ON TV!!!!
I saw in the magazine “The Catalyst” on how there is a very humanitarian woman – You might know who I’m referring to; I can’t remember her name – who is an activist in SLC, and trying to get to the public the REAL NEWS, you know, beyond the creepily Republican-owned media!!! Here’s hoping for a better world,
Alan G. Carter
#3. I love your comics in Salon.com I am a long time
reader, and if you ever make your way down to houston,
i’ll buy you a beer.
I have been a long time Republican, but I have been
known to cross party lines when the going gets stupid.
I was never a fan of reagun’s voodoo economic policy.
Nor a fan of this current administration. If there is
anything this current idiot is capable of is getting
our troops killed and helping further into massive
debt. since you seem to be a man of the world maybe
you can tell my why these sheep-ple (part sheep part
people) worship this reagun like a god? Also if it
wasn’t reagun who brought down comminusm, it was
george kennen a Us diplomat who wrote the orginal
containment policy. Efforts of other world leaders as
well, it’s a shame this actor who couldn’t even
remember what he did in movies vs what really happened
gets all the credit.
Just to let you know, there are alot of GOP member’s
crossing party lines who are going to make sure that
coked up, drunk clown is not re-elected. Thank you and
have a nice day.
Jonathan L.