I must say, he was GREAT as that meth head. A wonderful combination of reprehensible and pitiful. (That episode established Jesse as a good guy at heart.)
ah, the “degrees of separation” of Breaking Bad – I moved out of ABQ to Chicago right as the show wrapped its second season of shooting, so every episode was like a little trip “home” for me….(“Oooooh, they blew up Java Joe’s!” “Lydia is drinking poisoned tea at the same table at the Grove where I used to sit!”)
The best show on TV did a wonderful job of making Albuquerque seem a much better place than it lives up to on most days. It is nice, however, to see some of the limelight taken off of Santa Fe and their distorted reality…..
I must say, he was GREAT as that meth head. A wonderful combination of reprehensible and pitiful. (That episode established Jesse as a good guy at heart.)
ah, the “degrees of separation” of Breaking Bad – I moved out of ABQ to Chicago right as the show wrapped its second season of shooting, so every episode was like a little trip “home” for me….(“Oooooh, they blew up Java Joe’s!” “Lydia is drinking poisoned tea at the same table at the Grove where I used to sit!”)
The best show on TV did a wonderful job of making Albuquerque seem a much better place than it lives up to on most days. It is nice, however, to see some of the limelight taken off of Santa Fe and their distorted reality…..
Never watched. Proud to say.