Panel 5: Guilty as charged! My hand had to appear in a video operating a car navigation system accurately and there was no way my ragged-nail, cuticle-abused paw could possibly belong to the ridiculously handsome guy shown driving the car. So off to the manicurist I was sent. Actually feels pretty nice.
Is that David Cross in panel two?
Panel 5: Guilty as charged! My hand had to appear in a video operating a car navigation system accurately and there was no way my ragged-nail, cuticle-abused paw could possibly belong to the ridiculously handsome guy shown driving the car. So off to the manicurist I was sent. Actually feels pretty nice.
Hey Keith! Regarding the strip of 11/2//11, so are you saying that only WHITE police officers solicit bribes? Regards, John.
You kid has green eyes? Why the heck haven’t you put him in the movies? Or at least have him model clothes.
@ John,
Yes! I was worried I was being obscure about it, since NO ONE ELSE IN THE KNOWN UNIVERSE WOULD COME TO THAT CONCLUSION.
Only in LA do people move here and then spen the rest of their time here bagging on it.