He’s justifying getting girls drunk and/or stoned and then taking advantage of them. If they wake up and remember, then he says it’s rape. If they don’t remember a thing (his not so subtle seduction technique, obviously), then it’s not. Who’s Crazy now?
This cannot be real, he must have been stoned while writing this if it’s really him. That, or he’s just rationalized why all of those girls who stumbled off his tour bus after a night of inebriation can’t seem to figure out why their crotches itch. Cee Lo, please say it ain’t so!
It continues to amuse/amaze me that people of note persist in saying the gosh-darndest things, even though they should know that each and every quote, eye movement and sound they make will be ingested, processed, and spewed out for the entire universe to witness, whether it wants to or not. Keef – your next book project should maybe be “The All-Purpose Guide to Stuff You Should Never, Ever Say If Anyone is Listening.”
The hell? That isn’t even logically consistent.
What the hell is he saying here ?~! I’m so con-fuse-ed !~!
He’s justifying getting girls drunk and/or stoned and then taking advantage of them. If they wake up and remember, then he says it’s rape. If they don’t remember a thing (his not so subtle seduction technique, obviously), then it’s not. Who’s Crazy now?
This cannot be real, he must have been stoned while writing this if it’s really him. That, or he’s just rationalized why all of those girls who stumbled off his tour bus after a night of inebriation can’t seem to figure out why their crotches itch. Cee Lo, please say it ain’t so!
It continues to amuse/amaze me that people of note persist in saying the gosh-darndest things, even though they should know that each and every quote, eye movement and sound they make will be ingested, processed, and spewed out for the entire universe to witness, whether it wants to or not. Keef – your next book project should maybe be “The All-Purpose Guide to Stuff You Should Never, Ever Say If Anyone is Listening.”
Diminutive? According to sources online, he’s 5’7″. Since when is that short?
No, dimunitive is referring to his brain, sense of humanity, penis, you name it.