In may day we called this ‘fishing’. It worked extraordinarily well. You end up building a rapport with the same homeless guys, and you often didn’t even have to negotiate, you already knew their price. Tip: bring cheeseburgers.
When I was in high school in a state where the age was 21, our rite of passage was to take a trip next door to New York State, which was then an “18” state. I used my driver’s license to buy vodka before I used it for stuff like driving.
d6hm Auf der Seite steht das man es nur in den USA kaufen kann no spnihpig outside US & Canada das is fies :D Hoffentlich kommt die DVD auch ohne Buch raus ^^
I see your site needs some fresh articles.
Writing manually is time consuming, but there is solution for this hard task.
Just search for: Miftolo’s tools rewriter
In may day we called this ‘fishing’. It worked extraordinarily well. You end up building a rapport with the same homeless guys, and you often didn’t even have to negotiate, you already knew their price. Tip: bring cheeseburgers.
When I was in high school in a state where the age was 21, our rite of passage was to take a trip next door to New York State, which was then an “18” state. I used my driver’s license to buy vodka before I used it for stuff like driving.
Local reference!
i think Kappy’s is still on rte.114 but NOBODY beats BungHole Liquors for naming rights!
I am not much of a drinker but y’all need wheelchiars Seriously people buy me drinks by the ton
Won’t someone please think of the children?
I dunno, when I was a kid, the rumor was that you could get high drinking cologne.
d6hm Auf der Seite steht das man es nur in den USA kaufen kann no spnihpig outside US & Canada das is fies :D Hoffentlich kommt die DVD auch ohne Buch raus ^^
I see your site needs some fresh articles.
Writing manually is time consuming, but there is solution for this hard task.
Just search for: Miftolo’s tools rewriter