Home, Suite, Home..
Greetings from K Chronicles Inc.!! I’m finally blogging after a month of bouncing around the country. Thanks to everyone who came out in New York, Denver, San Francisco and Las Vegas! It rained in every city I visited, and poured upon my return to L.A.
I’ll try to remember what happened, but for now I’ll just post CEE-LO’s delightful video for “Eff You”:
It’s easy for me to say why I love HOFD and I will offer a theory about why you don’t. One, it’s just gegorous. For a couple of years after it’s release I swear I saw it in every electronics store as the picture display for HDTVs. Secondly, I love a classic tragic love triangle story and I found the story very affecting. The performances were very strong. I had my doubts about the blindness, too, but couldn’t be sure. The behavior of Leo toward Xiao Mei in the early scenes seemed just a bit off, until we learn of their previous relationship and can see it in retrospect. And the action scenes are thrilling, for another reason (and I include the bean dance in that category). I think the problem you have with the movie may be in the way you saw it. This is a movie that demands the big screen and the big sound of a theater. There really is something about scale and immersion that affects the experience of film and a film like this one, so much about sensory and emotional experience, is fatally diminished on a computer monitor. You can sit at the edge of a pool and enjoy dangling your feet in the water, but it’s nothing like the experience of diving in and feeling the rush of icy water around you.