I just got an email that I’m nominated for an African American Literary Award Show Open Book Award for Best Comic Strip. Other nominees are Jerry Craft (Mama’s Boyz) and Aaron McGruder (the Boondocks). The award show is tonite in New York City. Wish me luck. If you’re a drag queen living in New York City, feel free to accept the award on my behalf if I win.
Here’s a full list of the categories and nominees.

..So git yer ass on over there, ‘kay? It’d be great to see some folks, considerin’ I’m new in town.
It’s Sunday, Sept. 30th, 10am-6pm. 647 N. San Vicente Blvd. (North Hollywood Park) THIS IS A FREE EVENT. I’ll be in the Comix Scene section.


(RE: Jena, LA K Chronicles)


I really like your strip, but wanted to protest your use of
“Jebediah” as a stereotypical racist hick name. It’s just a little too
close to my name for comfort…



(It’s true, I screwed up. It felt contrived as I was writing Jebediah in the comic strip. Hypocritical. Thanks for calling me on it. I’m gonna change it when the strip is reprinted in book form.-kk)

(RE: K Chronicles/Harvey Award Win)

Dear Keef,

Way to go man! I am so happy for you. To think (no pun intended) that a
cartoon with as much life and reality and honesty as yours can be recognized
makes one believe that at least some people really do “get it”!

Mark Whitley

(RE: Random Kindness)

Keef (if I may take the liberty),

This is the second time I’ve written you a note…how weird is that to
contact a total stranger????….but you freakin’ RULE!!!!! Your stuff
is so incredibly funny and lively and life-affirming. If I had a
million dollars I’d buy everything you’ve ever written, and if I had 2
million I’d give you a grant.
Keep on keepin’ on, man. What you do makes me happy.
May love surround you,