The C-Ville Weekly in Charlottesville, SC is having a cartoon contest to add a new weekly cartoon to their paper. I NEED YOU TO GO TO THE WEBSITE and vote fer my “(th)ink” strip to be added…Have yer friends, family, significant other, and pet vote too… Here’s the link to post to yer browser: http://www.c-ville.com/www/closet/cartoonvote/cartoonvote.asp?Check=True

Also..If you have the time, and you’re a member of the cartooning/comic book industry, NOMINATE “THE K CHRONICLES” OR “(TH)INK” (WHICHEVER’S YER FAVORITE) FOR BEST SYNDICATED STRIP OR PANEL, or your humble narrator for BEST CARTOONIST or SPECIAL AWARD FOR HUMOR…Here’s the link to post to yer browser:

I know this is a vain move, but after thirteen years…



Just to wish that everything turns out ok for your wife. I have just one advice – keep her distracted (even if it’s hard) – every minute she doesn’t think about it is one more minute in her life.

Regards from Portugal,


>Dear Keef –

I hope that today’s strip was fiction, but if not… please know that you
have my tearful sympathy and empathy, having been in the same position you
are in now. Will stay anxiously posted.

Keep up the good work!

In Spirit,


>Dear Keef:

I’m a huge fan of the K Chronicles, and I just read the Salon comic for today. I’m so sorry about your wife’s medical problem.

I hope everything turns out okay for your wife and yourself.

And I hope they do let you take it home in a jar.


>Not that an email from a person who enjoys your work (the cell phone in the restroom bit was great) is going to do anything to help; except to let you know people care and empathize. Be strong and we all will hope and pray for a good outcome.


>Good luck, Mr. & Mrs. Keef.

If it’s any consolation, I noticed a lump myself, and your strip
prompted me to call the doctor.

Wish us both luck. You might have saved my life.


>Hello Keith,

I went through a similar thing a couple of years ago with my husband – a tumor was discovered in his brain (also at Christmas, oddly enough). Thank God, it was benign, and he’s all right now, but those first days were terrifying and overwhelming. I am thinking of you and your wife, and sending my best wishes for a speedy recovery.

Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

>I can’t tell you how much your current “K Chronicles” affected me; my wife was diagnosed in October, and the whole comic was eerily familiar.

What I had to tell you was thats we were figuring out how to deal with it, I told her about this comic I read that talks about “lifes little victories”. I told her that, for me, that meant every minute that I still have her.

Good luck to both of you, and thank you.

>We are witchoo, bro.

>Hey there,

I’m a big fan of yours and just wanted to say that I really, really hope everything checks out okay with your wife.

Unhip as it sounds, I’ll pray for you guys.

Take care of yourselves.


>I’ve been reading your comic from the days it first appeared in San Francisco (yeah, it’s my adopted hometown too), and today’s comic surprised the hell out of me.

Man, this sucks in so many ways. From someone who’s been there, done that, and sold the movie rights, hang in there. Both of you. Hold on to the love – but I think you know how to do that.

From my family to yours, best wishes and kick its ass.


>I’m so sorry to hear about your wife.

Not to diminish the impact that this has on you and yours, but know that I survived something very similar back in 1998. I had an octopus growing in between my various organs. They beat it into submission with chemo, then removed it.

Keep in mind that a tumor is better than “cancer of the …..” If it stays just a tumor, then they’ll be able to remove it and leave her with all of her original hardware.

Please keep a chin up, you guys. It’ll be ok.

Loyal reader in San Jose

>I read the comic any time it’s on Salon and I’ve loved every panel so far. It might be silly and pointless for a reader to tell you this, but I’m really sorry about what you and your wife are going through. Take care.

Mexico City